ID Service Rate per 1000 Min order Max order
Average time

Server - 1 [ Own ]

1106 IG Views [ OWN - 1 ] $0.0012 100 100 000 000 1 hour 17 minutes
Start - Instant
Speed - 10K-50K / hour
Data - HQ
Decrease - No
Compensation - No

Works fast and stable without processing issues
1028 IG Views [ OWN - 2 ] $0.0015 100 1 000 000 26 hours 27 minutes
Start - Instant
Speed - 1M / day
Data - HQ
Decrease - No
Compensation - No
1195 Bot Likes [ Fast ] [ NR ] $0.01 10 300 000 7 hours 24 minutes
Start - Instant
Speed - 100K / day
Data - Mix
Decrease - 0-12%
Compensation - No
1192 Old Account Likes [ Lifetime ] $0.015 10 5 000 000 28 minutes
Start - Instant
Speed - 100K / hour
Data - Outdated accounts
Decrease - 0-3%
Compensation - Lifetime
1264 IG Likes [ AR365 ] [Old Accounts] $0.0165 10 100 000 23 minutes
Start - Instant
Speed - 500K / day
Data - 100% Old Accounts
Decrease - 0
Compensation - 365 days auto
1292 IG Followers [ All Links ] [ Instant ] $1.10 10 2 000 000
Start - 0-1 hrs
Speed - 50K-100K/ day
Quality - Old Accounts
Drop - 0-3%
Refill - No
1108 IG Followers [ Old Accounts ] [ R365 ] $1.18 10 300 000
Start - 0-5 min
Speed - 300K-400K/ day
Quality - Old Accounts
Drop - No
Refill - 365 days Auto + Button

- Refill Button works for 365 days

- Turn off flagged followers before making an order ( Flag on orders auto cancel )
1035 IG Followers [ R365 ] [ All Links ] $1.25 100 100 000 3 hours 36 minutes
✨Start - 0-1 hrs
✨Speed -30K / day
✨Quality - Mix
✨Refill - 365 days

-Natural Speed Service
1288 IG Followers [ R365 ] [ All Links ] $1.50 10 10 000 42 hours 16 minutes
Start - 0-5 min
Speed - 10K-50K/ day
Quality - Old Accounts
Refill - 365 days Auto + Button

- Refill Button works for 365 days

- Works on all type of links and stable

Server - 2 [ V ] [ Followers ]

1331 Followers fast (Flag Review - Off) 🔥 $1.18 10 1 000 000
Works on flag off only
Cancel button
2K-4K per hour
1332 Followers fast ( All Links )🔥 $1.25 10 1 000 000
works on flag off and on
old accounts stable
cancel button

Server - 2 [ V ] [ Likes + Views ]

1326 IG Video views $0.006 100 100 000 000
600K-700K per hour
Cancel Button
Views + Plays
1323 IG Reach + Impressions $0.04 10 1 000 000 10 hours 14 minutes
1330 IG Video views (+ Reach + Impressions) $0.046 100 250 000
1328 IG Saves $0.05 10 10 000
1319 IG Likes [Mix] $0.069 10 50 000
1317 IG Likes fast [Mix] (No drop) $0.078 10 30 000
1316 IG Likes RU [Real] (No drop) $0.099 10 50 000
1322 IG Likes (+ Reach + Impressions) [Real + Bots] $0.112 10 35 000
1325 IG Saves $0.13 10 20 000
1315 IG Likes [Mix] (AR90) $0.16 10 300 000
1318 IG Likes [Mix] $0.20 10 45 000
1320 IG Likes fast (+ Reach + Impressions) [HQ] [Real] (AR30) $0.315 10 500 000

Server - 3 [ I ] [ Followers ]

1293 IG Followers – Speed: 200-300k per day, Drop Rate: 0-10%. [ Auto Cancel Enabled ] $1.14 10 5 000 000
Start - 0-5 min
Speed - 300K-400K/ day
Quality - Old Accounts
Drop - No
Refill - No

- No Refill but currently stable

- Turn off flagged followers before making an order ( Flag on orders auto cancel )
1369 IG Followers – Speed: 200-300k per day, Drop Rate: 0-10%. 365 days refill [ Auto Cancel Enabled ] $1.25 10 5 000 000
Start - 0-5 min
Speed - 300K-400K/ day
Quality - Old Accounts
Drop - No
Refill - 30 days refill

- Cancel + Refill Button
1375 IG Followers REAL (90% Indian) - 5-10k/day, 0-10% Drop Rate. [ Auto Cancel Enabled ] $2.09 10 1 000 000 14 minutes
1374 IG Followers for ANY ACCOUNTS – Speed: 50-100k followers per day, Drop Rate: 0-10%, NO GUARANTEE! $1.25 10 5 000 000
1370 IG Followers for ANY ACCOUNTS – Speed: 50-100k/day, Drop Rate: 0-10%, 30 Days Refill! $2.615 10 1 000 000
1371 IG Followers for ANY ACCOUNTS – Speed: 50-100k/day, Drop Rate: 0-10%, 60 Days Refill! $2.85 10 1 000 000
1372 IG Followers for ANY ACCOUNTS – Speed: 50-100k/day, Drop Rate: 0-10%, 90 Days Refill! $3.135 10 1 000 000

Server - 4 [ N ] [ Views ]

1027 IG Views [Video+IGTV+Reels with plays] $0.0012 100 4 000 000 30 minutes
Start - Instant
Speed - 1M / hour
Data - HQ
Decrease - No
Compensation - No

Always Working Stable without any issues
1361 IG Views [Video+IGTV+Reels with plays] - $0.0035 100 100 000 000
1367 IG Shares [ Stable ] $0.01 100 500 000
1365 IG Views + Reach and Impressions $0.045 100 250 000
1368 IG Story Views + Reach and Impressions [All] $0.13 10 5 000
1363 IG Views + Reach and Impressions $0.20 100 300 000
1364 IG Views + Reach + Profile visits $0.30 100 200 000

Server - 4 [ N ] [ Likes ]

1341 IG Likes [Bots] [R30 - 100%] $0.012 10 500 000 2 hours 22 minutes
1340 IG Likes $0.024 10 300 000
1346 IG Likes [Low drop ] $0.04 10 300 000
1334 IG Likes $0.07 10 200 000
1338 IG Likes [No drop ] $0.07 10 150 000
1344 IG Likes [Filled] [AR30 - 100%] $0.08 10 50 000
1348 IG Likes [PP ] $0.08 10 30 000
1347 IG Likes [accounts with posts] $0.09 10 50 000
1339 Instagram Likes [1.5 million/month] $0.16 50 200 000
1345 IG Likes [AR30 - 100% ] $0.16 50 200 000
1335 IG Likes [AR30 - 100%] $0.18 10 300 000
1333 IG Likes [AR30 - 100%] $0.25 10 50 000
1337 IG Likes [AR30 - 100%] $0.27 10 300 000
1343 IG Likes [No drop] [AR30 - 100% ] $0.47 10 20 000
1352 IG South Asia Likes (India, Pakistan, etc.) [AR30 - 100%] $0.99 10 5 000
1353 IG Asia Likes (Indonesia, Thailand, etc.) [AR30 - 100%] $0.99 10 5 000
1354 IG Europe Likes [AR30 - 100%] $0.99 10 5 000
1355 IG Latinos Likes (Latin America and Mexico) [AR30 - 100%] $0.99 10 5 000
1356 IG Likes from America and Europe [AR30 - 100%] $0.99 5 10 000
1357 IG Turkey Likes [AR30 - 100%] $0.99 10 5 000
1359 IG USA Likes (USA, Canada, etc) [AR30 - 100%] $0.99 10 5 000
1336 IG Likes $1.22 1 10 000
1342 IG Likes $1.23 10 5 000
1349 IG Africa Likes [AR30 - 100%] $1.50 10 3 000
1350 IG ARAB Likes [AR30 - 100%] $1.50 10 5 000

Server - 5 [ W ] Followers]

1294 IG Followers REAL MIX [Old Accounts] $1.25 10 1 000 000
1311 IG Followers MIX Fast🔥 $1.55 10 1 000 000
1312 IG Followers MIX fast 🔥 (No Flag) $3.78 10 1 000 000
1313 IG Followers MIX fast (No Flag) (♻️ AR30) $5.20 10 1 000 000
1314 IG Followers MIX fast (No Flag) (♻️ AR60) $6.10 10 1 000 000

Server - 5 [ W ] [ Likes ]

1295 IG Likes (R30) $0.019 10 500 000
1309 IG Likes (♻️ R365) ⚡️ $0.027 10 500 000
1306 IG Likes (guaranteed) (♻️ R45) ⚡️ $0.06 10 100 000
1298 IG Likes 💖 $0.062 10 100 000
1307 IG Likes (REAL + BOT) ♻️ R30) $0.075 10 30 000
1299 IG Fast Likes + Impressions ⚡️ $0.083 10 50 000
1305 IG Likes RU $0.099 10 100 000
1300 IG Likes (Real)(♻️ R45) HIT! ⭐️⭐️ $0.14 10 100 000
1301 IG Likes REAL (guarantee) (♻️ AR45) $0.14 10 300 000
1304 IG Likes RU + CIS 100% (♻️ R90) $0.14 10 150 000
1308 IG Likes REAL+MIX instant ⚡️ ⚡️ $0.14 10 200 000
1302 IG Likes ( Natural increase) (♻️ R60) ⭐️ $0.18 10 150 000
1310 IG Likes MIX no drops (Instant) (♻️ R60)⭐️ $0.32 10 100 000
1296 IG Likes (Fast, non drops) ⭐️⚡️⚡️ $0.37 10 300 000
1303 IG Likes MIX + REAL ⚡️ $0.37 50 50 000
1297 IG Likes REAL MIX (fast start) ⭐️ $0.90 10 300 000